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Display Advertising
Promotion, Sales, Branding, Traffic!
Impactful Marketing

Taking Branding to a Whole New Level in the Fraser Valley!


e are asked many times about how display advertising will increase a businesses’ sales. Well, the answer is that the selling part is up to you! Display advertising using digital banner ads should be approached as an investment into the branding and overall exposure of a business. Placing your business in front of consumers is the main goal of any display advertising offered anywhere.

  • Link direct to a sales page or your home page which provides SEO value from our website for your business.
  • Impactful with the right imagery used.
  • Amazing branding opportunities for your business.

The benefits of Digital Ads is nearly endless!

Skeena River Fly Supply - Fly Fishing Ad

We don’t do Pay Per Click (PPC) ads on our web properties because we feel that it is unfair to the local business owner. We can’t verify who is clicking on your ad and whether they are a potential qualified sales lead. The internet is scoured by billions of people everyday and we can’t say that someone in another part of the world is clicking on your local floral shop ad (as an example). We also don’t offer Cost per Thousand Impressions (CPM) and also for the same reasons. As much as we do know that 90% of our traffic is essentially local, there is that 10% which is not. Charging our clients for specific views or clicks based on someone from somewhere seeing your ad seems a little dishonest to us so Fraser Valley Now has adopted the ad rates for time of ad space.

With this, we offer our clients 30, 90, 180, and 365 day display advertising rates. Quality exposure and proper branding benefits start with 90 days as it provides our return visitors an opportunity to see your business over and over again. This returning visitor becomes comfortable and familiar with your business; increasing the opportunities for sales.

We have made every attempt to make our table below as easy as possible to interpret. If you are not sure of anything below or know exactly where you want to advertise, please contact us!

Banner Placement30 Days90 Days - Most Popular180 Days365 Days
Main Page Sidebar -240px x 240px$124$349$674$1374
Main Page Sidebar -240px x 400px$174 $499$974$1974
Main Page Sidebar -125px x 125px$49$149$224$474
Main Page Leaderboard -728px x 90px$149$424$824$1674
Main Page Top Slider - 600px x 300px$199$574$1124$2274
City Page Sidebar - 240px x 240px$99$274$524$1074
City Page Sidebar - 240px x 400px$114$319$614$1254
City Page Sidebar - 125px x 125px$24$74$149$299
City Page Leaderboard - 728px x 90px$124$349$674$1374
Portal Site Sidebar - 240px x 400px$114$319$614$1254
Learn Through Locals - Sidebar 240x400$49$124$224$474
Learn Through Locals - Sidebar 240x240$39$94$164$354

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